New Workshop

Ready for CHANGE

Set yourself up to have a year of positive change that lasts

January 2 | 9pm EST


Join Dr. Chavonne for this hands-on workshop to help you create a year of positive change in your life and/or marriage.

This time last year, you had big plans for 2023. Things you were were committed to changing. Differences you were determined to see. Improvements that had to be made.

And now that the year is ending, you've noticed many of those things have remained the same.

Life got in the way. Old habits persisted. Other things took your attention. Sameness was hard to overcome.

You've been here before.

And now, as we start another new year, you can finally say without a doubt, you are READY FOR CHANGE.


Let's GO.

Change in any area of your life comes about when the cost of staying the same is greater than the uncertainty of making a shift.

Fear of the unknown is the biggest thing that holds people back from creating a life that truly honors what they want.

But the unknown is ONLY a problem when you don't have a plan for all the possible scenarios. When you don't don't believe you're capable of having what you want. When you don't trust yourself to figure it out no matter what.

When you truly understand what's been holding you back, when you get crystal clear on what you want, when you believe it's possible for you, and when you have the tools and roadmap to get you there, ANY POSITIVE SHIFT CAN OCCUR FOR YOU.

I will cover each of these and walk you through a step-by-step process to help you truly create change - first within yourself, so that your life reflects more of the experiences you want.

During this workshop, you will:

  • reflect on how 2023 has gone for you and uncover some of your biggest blocks to having what you want
  • clearly define the changes you want to create in 2024 and what you want to be different for you
  • identify the specific beliefs and mindset you must adopt to create improvements that last
  • discover the identity shifts you will need to make to BECOME the person who has more happiness, peace and fulfillment no matter what is happening outside of you
  • create your specific action plan to build the daily habits that add up to noticeable and long-lasting improvements for you

This workshop is perfect for women and couples who want to ensure that this next year is dramatically better in the ways that matter the most.


There will be a replay available for anyone who signs up.

And if we've never met before, Hello There.

I’m Dr. Chavonne Perotte, life & marriage coach, author, and podcast host.

I help women and couples navigate the challenges of life and marriage. My work centers on helping you understand yourself better and the ways you are influencing the dynamics in your relationship so that you can experience more happiness, connection and fulfillment.

To learn more about my coaching programs for women and couples, and listen to my podcast visit me at