3-Day Video Series :

Fight-Free Holidays: How to Communicate Well and Enjoy Your Time Together


This 3-Day Series is just for you.

If you want to have a calm and peaceful holiday season, free of unnecessary arguments and conflict, this training is for you.

You will walk away knowing how to communicate more effectively and create positive interactions instead of tension and distance.

In this 3-part training, I will teach you how to create the 3 most important improvements in your communication

DAY 1: How to Avoid Having an Argument in the First Place

DAY 2: How to De-Escalate and Argument and End on a Good Note

DAY 3: How to Quickly Recover When Conversations Go Wrong

Each day's training is 30 minutes of powerful teaching and applicable next steps.

Over the next 3 days you could begin to have some of the most important, eye-opening, and productive conversations of the entire year.

If you've struggled to communicate well with each other, this is the moment where you receive the mindset, tools, and strategies to turn things completely around.

Join me as I break down EXACTLY what you can do so that you end the year well and thoroughly enjoy your Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year together. Happier than ever.

And if we've never met before, Hello There!!!

I’m Dr. Chavonne Perotte, a life & marriage coach, author, and podcast host.

I help couples love each other well. My work centers on helping you communicate better, connect more deeply, and genuinely love being married again.

To learn more about my coaching programs for couples and wives visit, DrChavonne.com. You can also listen to my podcast, Love Marriage Again with Dr. Chavonne on all podcast platforms (Apple, Spotify, Google)