Hey Superwoman,

It's time to put down your mask and cape and take better care of you.

I've created an exclusive and safe space to give you the support and tools you need to finally prioritize your emotional well-being.

No more going to sleep at night replaying all the moments of the day where you feel guilt and shame.

No more ruminating on all the things your husband did wrong, and how frustrated you feel with him.

No more putting yourself on the back burner trying to be everything to everyone only to be exhausted and unappreciated.

This is the turning point for you.

You can put yourself back in the driver's seat and become the woman you WANT to be having the life + relationship with yourself and others that feels good to you.

To stop living in reaction mode and to start living in intentional action mode.

To take control of the way you think so that you feel better on a daily basis.

To adopt new perspectives that help you work through your life and marriage with greater ease.

To help you gain clarity on who you really are and what matters most to you now.

You've tried the things you could think of, and still find yourself feeling stuck.

The therapy hasn't made much of a difference, and all those books are still sitting on the shelf.

Now it's time to go inside, get real tools that work and noticeably shift your heart and mind.

Living, feeling and BEING the version of yourself that is happier, more confident and fulfilled no matter what's going on in her marriage or life.

The Well Made Woman is a highly curated, intimate 6-month group coaching program for ambitious women who are ready to prioritize themselves and live more intentionally.

In this group you will learn self-coaching practices and participate in group discussions and personal development exercises to help you address and work through the disappointments and frustrations of life and/or marriage.

If you've ever thought: "It's time to work on myself" this is the perfect way to take that from a thought to your reality with the right structure, tools and community of support with other women who are doing the same.  

Inside this program, you will become a Well Made Woman who has MORE.

--> MORE self-acceptance and self-love so you are less offended by things other people say and do.

--> MORE peace and contentment so that little annoyances in your day don't cause an internal breakdown.

--> MORE empowered in your choices, so that you stop feeling dependent on people in your life to change.

--> MORE clarity on what you really want so you stop settling, denying your needs and under-living.

--> MORE balance and ease so you can stop getting so angry and snippy because you are stressed out.

--> MORE success in achieving your goals so you can stop feeling so far behind in life.

--> MORE positive conversations with your husband because you are not triggered all the time.

--> MORE good days parenting your kids so you can stop feeling like you're failing as a mother.

--> MORE connection with like-minded women who support you instead of drama-filled conversations that weigh you down.

You know that in order to be happy in your life and/or marriage you've got to address the things holding you back once and for all. The accomplishments in your professional life don't eliminate the challenges you are still experiencing in your personal life.

The bad habits of reacting that you just can't seem to break.

The ruminating, negative and resentful thoughts that derail your day.

The emotional struggles that make it hard to feel peaceful and calm.

The self-doubt and confusion that keeps you stuck, feeling unhappy year after year.

You've got to intentionally CREATE the version of yourself that you can feel proud of when you go to sleep at night.

What does this program cover?

In The Well-Made Woman you will "do the work" to genuinely create fulfillment in your life and/or marriage from the inside out.

You will change the way you think about and see yourself so that YOU can be in control of how things go for you.

Here's what we'll be working through:

  • Managing Negative Thinking
  • Navigating Intense Emotions  
  • Building Self-Love and Self-Trust
  • Overcoming Self Doubt and Self-Criticism  
  • Understanding and Healing Your Inner Child
  • Setting and Upholding Boundaries
  • (Re)Discovering What Brings You Joy
  • Asking for Help and Being Supported
  • Improving Communication in Your Marriage/Relationships
  • Being More Patient and Less Offended
  • And much more.

Imagine what your life would be like if these were no longer issues you struggled with?

Meet My Client Melissa

Next Group Runs:

January - June 2025

Program Kick Off Call

We kick off with a 2-Hour Virtual Opening Session where we will connect and bond as a group.

You will learn the foundational principles of becoming a Well Made Woman who is more in control and empowered in her life and/or marriage. You will create your own Well Made Woman Persona that over the course of the program, you learn to live in and fully embody in your day-to-day life.

Weekly Coaching Calls

This 6-month program includes 24 group coaching calls where I teach you a key concept and then answer your questions, help shift your mindset, and provide you with tools to take action and move your life and marriage forward.

You will be surrounded by a supportive community of other like-minded, successful women in a caring, loving and accepting environment. You will gain so much from being in the group and will learn from each other as you ask questions and get coached on the challenges you are facing.

The calls are conducted via Zoom and will be recorded if you cannot attend live.

The exact date and time will be determined by the vote of the group.

The Well-Made Woman Daily Journal 

To guide you daily in the work of becoming a Well Made Woman, you will be mailed your very own journal with specific prompts and coaching exercises to help you stay on track with your personal growth.

You will identify a very specific goal you want to achieve for yourself (i.e., being less reactive, less critical, more self-loving, more joyful, etc.) and be guided each day with the right thoughts, emotional state and actions to support you.

Each journal entry can be completed in less than 10 minutes and helps to reinforce the new skills and habits you are developing.

Meet My Client Charlotte

I want to make this easy for you.

I honor your desire to make your life and/or marriage better, and wanted to create something to make the process of improving yourself easy, accessible, and even fun.

When you think about doing "self-work" it can be overwhelming especially as you juggle the demands of work and raising a family.

There's a way to make things easier on yourself.


The sooner you get started, the sooner you get to experience the relief that comes from finally being supported and coached by someone who knows EXACTLY how to help you.

The Well Made Woman is the solution. You get the best of the best in terms of personal development in simple, easy to apply steps and tools AND you get the added benefit of being surrounded by a community of other high-achieving women who want nothing but to see you succeed - for real.

Whatever it is you know you need to work on, you will find the pathway to success lies in mastering your beliefs and your behaviors. That's exactly what The Well Made Woman will help you do.


PAY IN FULL (one time payment)



PAYMENT PLAN (6 monthly payments)





Still have questions? Let's talk and make sure it's a great fit.

Book your program information call HERE

BONUS: Private 1:1 Coaching Calls 


When you enroll, you will receive 3 Private 1:1 Coaching calls with me. These 45- minute sessions are available immediately upon enrollment, and you can use them before the group program starts.

In your private coaching sessions, we can dive into any area that you would like support in. These calls are laser focused and tailored to you, and will give you that extra support you need in making the most out of this coaching experience.

To schedule your call, you will gain access to my calendar and select any available time that works for you.

BONUS: Inner Mastery Course 

Inner Mastery is a self-paced course designed to help you master your emotions and connect to your highest self through a spiritual connection to God.

It includes 6 modules on how to manage stress, overcome perfectionism, get over doubt and fear, avoid being consumed by people's opinions, stop comparing yourself to others, and better handle with things beyond your control.

Each module includes a Masterclass on the topic, worksheets to help you apply the learning, a guided meditation/prayer when you need encouragement, and journal prompts for your reflection and growth.

This BONUS is immediately accessible upon enrollment, and is available to everyone who enrolls.

BONUS: 31 Days of Self Love 

31 Days of Self Love is a program that gives daily boosts to the way you see yourself. Each day you will receive an email love note that asks you an empowering question to get your brain thinking about all the wonderful and amazing things about yourself.

You'll start each day on a more positive note as you direct your mind to focus on the things that build your self acceptance and self esteem.

Prepare to elevate your self image and truly become that confident woman you want to be.

Right now the only thing standing in the way of your happiness is not having the right mindset and tools to get and keep you there.

Join us on the journey of becoming Well Made Woman from the inside out.